Dr. Salekul Islam

Professor, Dept. of CSE

ROOM: PABX: 2001


I am the Director of  Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Professor of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department of United International University (UIU), Bangladesh. Before joining UIU, I worked as an Assistant Professor at North South University, Bangladesh. I also worked as an FRQNT Postdoctoral Fellow at the Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (EMT) center of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Montréal where my adviser was Dr. Jean-Charles Grégoire. I completed my PhD in June 2008 from Computer Science and Software Engineering Department of Concordia University under the supervision of Dr. J William Atwood.

Research Interest

  • Future Internet architecture
  • Blockchain
  • Edge Cloud
  • Software-Defined Network (SDN)
  • Multicast security
  • Security protocol validation


University Designation Period
United International University, Dhaka Director, IQAC Jun 2023 ~ now
United International University, Dhaka Professor & Head Jun 2018 – May 2023
United International University, Dhaka Associate Professor & Head Nov 2014 – Jun 2018
United International University, Dhaka Assistant Professor Jan 2012 – Nov 2014
North South University, Dhaka Assistant Professor Jun 2011 – Dec 2011
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Montreal Postdoctoral Fellow Aug 2008 – Apr 2011


Professional activities

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Access
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in High Performance Computing
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS)
  • Taskforce Member of Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh
  • Session Chair: LCN’08
  • Member of TPC: LCN’07, LCN’08, LCN’09, LCN’10, LCN’11, ICCIT’10, ICCIT’11, ICC’11, NTMS’11, ISWPC’11, ATNAC’11, LCN`12, NTMS’12, ISWPC’12, ATNAC’12, LCN’13, WNS’13, ISWPC’13
  • Reviewer: Computer Networks, Computer Communications, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, IEEE Communication Letters, ERTI Journal, International Journal of Next-Generation Computing (IJNGC), Journal of Zhejiang University Science C (Computers & Electronics)
  • Senior Member of IEEE
  • Fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
  • Member of ISOC



Updated course materials will be found at www.elms.uiu.ac.bd. Please note that you need enrollment key to access the materials.

Graduate Courses

  • CSE 6127: Networks Security
  • CSE 6091: Cryptography
  • CSE 6067: Advanced Network Services and Management
  • CSE 6081: Telecommunication Engineering
  • CSE 6037: Electronic Commerce


Undergraduate Courses

  • CSE 323: Computer Networks
  • CSE 225: Digital Logic Design
  • CSE 226: Digital Logic Design Laboratory
  • CSI 217: Data Structure
  • CSI 218: Data Structure Lab
  • CSE 257: Numerical Method (at NSU)
  • CSE 338: Computer Networks (at NSU)
  • EE 232: Numerical Analysis in Engineering (at NSU)


  1. Visiting Faculty Member, Anglia Rukin University (UK), FUSION Project, 2015
  2. Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-2011)
  3. Campaign for Concordia Graduate Award
  4. Concordia University External Award Holder Doctoral Scholarships
  5. Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (FQRNT) Doctoral Fellowship
  6. Concordia University Graduate Fellowship
  7. Concordia University Graduate Entrance Fellowship
  8. Deans’ List, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
  9. Merit List, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology


Journal Papers


A Review on Deep-Learning-Based Cyberbullying Detection

Publication: Future Internet

Author List: Md. Tarek Hasan, Arifa Akter, Md. Al Emran Hossain, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Salekul Islam, Md. Saddam Hossain Mukta,

Panini: a transformer-based grammatical error correction method for bangla


Publication: Neural Computing and Applications

Author List: Nahid Hossain, Swakkhar Shatabda, Salekul Islam,

On the (in)Security of the Control Plane of SDN Architecture: A Survey

Publication: IEEE Access

Author List: Zaheed Ahmed Bhuiyan, A. B. M. Ahasan Ullah, Salekul Islam, Farha Naz, Md. Motaharul Islam, Mohammad Shahriar Rahman,


Development of Bangla Spell and Grammar Checkers: Resource Creation and Evaluation


Publication: IEEE Access

Author List: Nahid Hossain, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Salekul Islam,


A Survey on Multicasting in Software-Defined Networking

Publication: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials

Author List: Salekul Islam, Nasif Muslim, J. William Atwood,

Conference Papers


MSFFAR-Net: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Attention-Guided Residual Network for Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants Classification

Artificial Intelligence

Conference: 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)

Author List: Al Mohimanul Islam, Fatiha Binta Masud, Md. Rayhan Ahmed, Salekul Islam,


An Effective Leukemia Prediction Technique Using Supervised Machine Learning Classification Algorithm

Conference: Proceedings of International Conference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering

Author List: Mohammad Akter Hossain, A. K. M. Muzahidul Islam, Mubtasim Islam Sabik, Shadikun Nahar Sakiba, Ashir Ahmed, Salekul Islam, Swakkhar Shatabda, Md. Moshiur Rahman,

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